It continuously won the fame of best seller among all products in the company from 2002 to 2006 丽达代代花以其独特安全的减肥效果连续5年取得本公司“最畅销减肥产品” 。
It refined the useful content from daidai by complicated technic , is manufactured by the approval of the state drug and food gmp manufacture standard and is proven to be no side effect 本品通过复杂工艺提取出代代花等植物中的有用成分,通过国家药品食品gmp标准认证企业生产,因此本品质量过关,服用保证安全,绝对无副作用。
Our company s highly recommended lida daidaihua slimming capsule is produced through modern technology with pure , natural plants which grow only in the " kingdom of green vegetation , " namely , yunnan province in china , and which possess a magic slimming and beauty function that has been known by the people there for thousands of years 本品选用云南绿色植物王国中的千百年来被公认的独特植物,经现代科技提纯精制而成。本品通过复杂工艺提取出代代花等植物中的有用成分,由通过国家药品食品gmp标准认证企业生产。