升: Ⅰ动词1.(由低往高移动) rise; hoist; go up; ascend 短语和例子升帆 hoist a sail; 把旗升到旗杆顶端。 hoist the flag to the top of the pole. 气球缓缓升上天空。 the balloon rose up slowly into the air. 太阳从东方升起。 the sun rises in
阶: 名词1.(台阶) steps; stairs 短语和例子石阶 stone stairs; 台阶 a flight of steps2.(等级) rank 短语和例子军阶 military rank3.[医学] (耳蜗的三个螺旋管的任一个) scala 短语和例子中阶 scala media4.[数学] order 短语和例子非整数阶 non-integral order;
价格: price; tariff 短语和例子标明价格 mark (goods) with a price tag; have goods clearly priced; 国家规定价格 state-set price; 浮动价格 floating price; 议价价格 free price; negotiated price; 优惠价格 favoured price; 价格持平