[ zhòngzhìchéngchéng ] our wills unite like a fortress.; a common will is strong as the (city) bulwarks.; a united people is like a city defense.; collective purposes form a fortress.; community of spirit and purpose will accomplish wonders.; the success of vast undertakings depends on unity of purpose and effort.; union is strength.; united, we're strong as a fortress.; unity of effort is the heart of all successful enterprises.; unity of purpose is a formidable force.; unity of will is an impregnable stronghold
Example Sentences:
I invite you to gather our forces . . 我希望大家能够众志成城
I invite you to gather our forces 我希望大家能够众志成城
Many hands make light work 人多好办事(众志成城) 。
But this can be done only if we all participate actively 要达到这个目标,便须大家积极参与,以收众志成城之效。
Central to spain ' s success is its current unity but this has not always been so 西班牙队目前成功关键在于团结,要知道,这种众志成城的局面在国家队里是不多见的。
The play team and supporing team created a very good cooperation and the friendly atmosphere of competition 超力公司啦啦队心协力,众志成城,创造了良好的赛场气氛。
" perhaps it is too soon to say such things but there now seems to be a united mentality . everything is going well . "也许说这种话还为时尚早,但是罗马现在众志成城,一切都朝的好的方向改变
" it may not seem that one person can make much of a difference , " the 17 - year - old student said . “ but every little bit helps 这名17岁的学生说:一个人的力量似乎没什麽差别,但众志成城。
Many hands make light work , as they say , and if you throw in some pizza and beverages , they also make a nice after - party 有句话叫做众志成城,而你贡献一些馅饼和饮料,则能组成一个不错的派对。