| 1. | Jscript stores data either by value or by reference 传值方式和传址方式jscript以“ |
| 2. | Finally , jscript copies and passes strings by reference 最后, jscript以传址方式复制和传递字符串。 |
| 3. | Jscript can compare data either by value or by reference Jscript可以按传值方式或传址方式比较数据。 |
| 4. | When it tests by reference , it checks to see whether two items refer to the same item 当按传址方式测试时,它检查两个项是否引用同一个项。 |
| 5. | Objects , the strings are compared by reference ; otherwise , they are compared by value 对象,则以传址方式比较字符串;否则以传值方式比较。 |
| 6. | Strings may be compared by value or by reference , depending on whether or not the strings are objects 根据字符串是对象与否,可以按传值方式或传址方式比较字符串。 |
| 7. | To successfully compare by reference , the two variables must refer to exactly the same entity 若要成功地以传址方式比较两个变量,这两个变量必须恰好引用同一个实体。 |
| 8. | Illustrates the difference between storing data by reference or by value and how these alternatives depend on the type of data 阐释以传址方式和传值方式存储数据的区别,以及这两个替换选项与数据类型的关系。 |
| 9. | Even though objects and arrays are passed by reference , if a new value in the function directly overwrites them , the new value is not reflected outside the function 即使对象和数组以传址方式来传递,如果函数中的新值直接将其改写,则新值将不会在函数之外得到反映。 |
| 10. | The way that jscript copies , passes , and compares data depends on how the data is stored , which in turn depends on the type of the data Jscript复制、传递和比较数据的方法取决于数据的存储方式,而数据的存储方式又取决于数据的类型。 jscript以传值方式或传址方式存储数据。 |