He was a staunch methodist, a lay preacher . 他是个虔诚的卫理公会教徒,一个业余的传道者。
Are you going to follow your father 's steps as a preacher ? 你是不是继承你父亲的遗志当传道人呢?
She was one of the pillars of the church, a powerful evangelist and very widely known . 她是一位远近闻名,颇有影响的福音传道士,是教会的一根顶梁柱。
Davil groaned to find that such carnal motive could have influenced upon the mind of a powerful preacher . 这种世俗的动机居然能影响一位坚强的传道者的心灵,戴维不禁为之叹息。
Unquestionably his missionary work between 1940 and 1942 had much to do with eventual success . 毫无问题是,他在一九四年至一九四二年间的传道式工作与那次决定性的成功有很大关系。
He obtained his license as a preacher of the gospel, with some compliments from the presbytery by whom it was bestowed . 他获得了福音传道师的证书,证书上附有颁发证书的长老会的好评语。
A preacher of the gospel, being regularly called, ought, above all things, first, to purify himself before he teaches others . 被习惯上称为福音传道者的人,首先,应该在教导别人之前净化自己,这是最要紧的。
Has my newly acquired privilege as one of god's ministers imparted to me as yet any fitness for the wonderful work of a preacher ? 我作为一个牧师新取得了特权,这是不是就授予我适合担任一个传道师的出色工作的资格呢?
Secondly, these missionaries would gradually, and without creating suspicion or exciting alarm, introduce a rudimentary cleanliness among the nobility, and from them it would work down to the people, if the priests could be kept quiet . 二来,这些传道师可以使这些贵族开始养成爱好清洁的习惯,可是要由渐而入,不至于引起人的疑心,也不至于引起人的恐慌,然后再从贵族阶级推广到平民阶级,要是能让僧侣们不来捣乱的话。
The last three levels are especially for preachers 最后那三层是专为传道人盖的