| 1. | "it was an abomination, unnatural, unclean!" abner stormed . “违反伦常,不洁!”艾布纳发作了。 |
| 2. | Its purpose is to learn ethics and the moral principles 以肯认伦常为旨归 |
| 3. | " it was an abomination , unnatural , unclean ! " abner stormed “违反伦常,不洁! ”艾布纳发作了。 |
| 4. | In the ancient society , she was destined to be a tragedian 晴雯一生有关男女情感之出入,唯宝玉而已,洁身自爱,未曾逾越伦常。 |
| 5. | We proclaim our values , and our commitment to integrity , ethics and the truth . and we ‘ walk our talk 我们特此声明我们的价值观,承诺信守正义,尊重伦常,追求真理。我们将以行动来履行承诺。 |
| 6. | Karmic retribution is the visible law . conscience is the inner law . custom is the common law . causality is the ultimate law 善恶报应是显露的法律,本心是非是内在的法律,世事伦常是共遵的法律,天理因果是最高的法律。 |
| 7. | Is worth a look if you don t mind its weak narrative structure and generally playful manner of its subject matter . fans of lee byung - heon and choi ji - woo also shouldn t worry as both of them have done a more than satisfactory job in the movie 不过编导能够以轻喜剧的方式把一班主角原本荒唐和有违道德伦常的行径闹剧化拍出无伤大雅的娱乐效果总算增强了影片一点的可观性一众李崔迷可以放心入场。 |
| 8. | Is worth a look if you don t mind its weak narrative structure and generally playful manner of its subject matter . fans of lee byung - heon and choi ji - woo also shouldn t worry as both of them have done a more than satisfactory job in the movie . the overall comment is : see it , but don t expect too much 不过编导能够以轻喜剧的方式把一班主角原本荒唐和有违道德伦常的行径闹剧化,拍出无伤大雅的娱乐效果,总算增强了影片一点的可观性,一众李、崔迷可以放心入场。 |
| 9. | The moral of " to be energetic and promising , and to make unceasing efforts to improve oneself provides spiritual power for increasing the students " law consciousness ; the spirit of humanism initiated in traditional moral supports rich nutriments for the development of the students " law consciousness ; the thinking of adjustment with " the feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships " in traditional moral offers behavior guide to the formation of the students " law consciousness ; the opinion of " the integration of justice with profit " proposed in traditional moral strengthens the students " law consciousness with value - judging principle 积极影响表现在:传统道德“以天下为己任,忧国忧民”思想为当代大学生强化法律意识奠定了思想基础; “刚健有为,自强不息”的道德精神为增强当代大学生法律意识提供精神动力;传统道德倡导的人本精神为当代大学生形成法律意识提供了充足养料;传统道德所注重的伦常调节思想为当代大学生养成法律意识指供了行动指南;传统道德推崇的义利统一观为强化当代大学生法律意识提供了价值判断原则。 |