| 1. | Low noise road surface 低噪音路面; |
| 2. | Low noise surface has now been a standard practice for high speed roads 此外,在高速道路铺设低噪音路面已是现时的标准做法。 |
| 3. | The new policy has two strands : to retrofit barriers on existing roads and to re - surface local roads with low - noise material 新政策共有两项措施:在现有道路安装隔音屏障及重铺低噪音路面。 |
| 4. | Quiet road surface programme . under this programme , suitable road sections are re - surfaced with noise absorptive materials which help to reduce traffic noise up to 5 db 政府于1989年推行低噪音路面计划,为合适的高速公路路段铺上吸音物料,并有效将噪音水平减低5分贝a 。 |
| 5. | Some 30 road sections are suitable for retrofitting barriers , and 72 other local roads for low - noise surfaces . that still leaves 550 existing roads with unacceptable traffic noise 环保署现已选定约30条适合安装隔音屏障的路段,另会在72条地区性道路铺设低噪音路面,至于其馀550条现有道路的交通噪音水平则依然偏高。 |
| 6. | Ancillary works including traffic control and surveillance systems , electrical and mechanical systems , geotechnical works , drainage works and environmental mitigation measures such as noise barriers , low noise road surfacing and landscaping works 相关附属工程包括交通管制及监察系机电系土力工程渠务工程及环境缓解措施,如设置隔音屏障铺设低噪音路面及环境美化工程等。 |
| 7. | A draft plan issued in 2006 is focusing efforts on minimising existing traffic noise through retrofitting roadside barriers and resurfacing existing roads with low - noise materials , and ensuring that noise problems are pre - empted at the outset through planning 环保署于2006年发表了一份计划(拟稿) ,旨在阐明透过加建隔音屏障及重铺低噪音路面等措施,消减现有交通噪音,并确保透过审慎规划预防噪音。 |
| 8. | Since 1990 , over 1 . 3 billion has been spent on low noise surfaces and road barriers for new roads . together with our professional input provided at the planning stage of project development , these measures have protected 740 000 people from excessive traffic noise 自1990年至今,政府共斥资超过13亿元在铺设低噪音路面和在新建道路上建造隔音屏障,这些措施,再加上我们在工程项目的发展阶段所提供的专业意见,已保障74万人免受过量道路交通噪音的滋扰。 |
| 9. | Because not all existing roads can be retrofitted with noise barriers or resurfaced with low - noise materials , the government explores on a case - by - case basis the feasibility of restricting the passage of vehicles that are likely to emit high levels of noise in built - up residential areas 并非所有现有道路都适合加装隔音屏障或重铺低噪音路面,故此政府会因应个别情况,研究管制可能会发出过量噪音的车辆(即超过一定长度或重量的车辆)进入住宅大厦林立的地区。 |