An instrument , especially a double bass , that produces tones in a low register 低音乐器特别是低音提琴,产生出音域低的音调
The string instruments mainly are the violin , the viola , the cello and the bass 弦乐器主要有小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴。
Brasses braying asses through uptrunks . doublebasses , helpless , gashes in their sides 低音提琴的侧面有着深长的切口260 ,奄奄一息。
The double bass , usually considered a member of the violin family , is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols 低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。
As in vienna or cleveland , the orchestra ' s foundation is a large complement of strings , but with erhus in different sizes instead of violins , violas , cellos and basses 如同在克里夫兰或维也纳一般,乐团的基础是由大群的弦乐组成,代替小提琴、中提琴、大提琴与低音提琴的是各种尺寸的二胡。
The nine - piece orchestra play instruments constructed from vegetable material ? ? ? from a flute made out of a carrot , a saxo phone carved out of a cucumber , a violin from leek and to a pumpkin converted into a double bass 九个乐章的乐队演奏乐器都来自蔬菜:长笛是用一根萝卜做成的,萨克斯管是由一根黄瓜,小提琴来自韭葱,低音提琴来自一个南瓜。
With instruments frequently used in the orchestra as the main topic , the exhibition displays the violin ( s ) , viola , cello , double bass , flute , oboe , clarinet , bassoon , harp , french horn , trumpet , trombone , tuba , and percussion instruments 低音提琴是弓弦家族中最低音也是最大的乐器,演奏者必须站立拉奏,其音色庄重而低沉,能提供比大提琴更加深沉的声音基础。
In the second act there was scenery representing monuments , and a hold in the drop at the back that represented the moon , and shades were put over the footlights , and trumpets and bassoons began playing , and a number of people came in on the right and on the left wearing black cloaks 第二幕的布景是水彩画上的纪念碑,画布上的圆窟窿用以表示月亮,拉起了脚灯灯罩,他们开始吹低音小号,拉低音提琴,许多穿黑袍的人从左右两边走出来。
We got rid of all gloom in the excitement of the exercise , and our pleasure was increased by the arrival of the gimmerton band , mustering fifteen strong : a trumpet , a trombone , clarionets , bassoon french horns , and a bass viol , besides singers 这种活动使我们兴奋,它驱散了一切忧郁和烦恼。吉默吞乐队的到来更增添了我们的欢乐。这乐队有十五个人之多除了歌手外,还有一个喇叭,一个长喇叭,几支竖笛,低音笛,法国号角,一把低音提琴。