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English translation for "住户人数"

household size

Related Translations:
集体住户:  collective household
普通住户:  ordinary household
住户收入:  household income
大楼住户:  occupants of building
住户守则:  ii rules of the buildingg
核心住户:  nuclear household
住户开支:  household expenditurehousehold expenses
纯住户:  household proper
住户电话号码:  home
现时住户:  sitting tenant
Example Sentences:
1.Will the government provide the data in respect of the non - economically active population among new arrivals from the mainland those with less than seven years residency in the territory in 1986 , 1991 and 1996 , by " type of housing resided " , " geographical area " , " household size " , and " household composition " , and provide the data by " type of housing resided " , " geographical area " , " household size " and " household composition " in respect of the following income groups in the working population among new arrivals from the mainland those with less than seven years residency in the territory in 1986 , 1991 and 1996
政府可否:按“居住房屋类型” “居住地区” “住户人数”及“住户结构”组别,提供由内地来港居住未满7年的新移民,其中非从事经济活动的人口在一九八六一九九一及一九九六年3年的资料,及按“居住房屋类型” “居住地区” “住户人数”及“住户结构”划分下列i至x项收入组别提供由内地来港居住未满7年的新移民,其中就业人口在一九八六一九九一及一九九六年
2.Add these costs to the human toll of people being turfed out of their homes , and it is no surprise that america ' s politicians are scrambling for ways to stem the foreclosures . ( all the more so because hardest - hit areas include election swing states such as ohio and florida . ) so far , the focus is on low - cost intervention : encouraging borrowers to seek counselling and lenders to show forbearance
被赶出房子的住户人数,再加上上述损失,美国政客绞尽脑汁想遏止没收,也就不足为奇(由于受灾最重的地区有大选局势最悬的州,如俄亥俄和佛罗里达,这样做就更有理由了) 。
Similar Words:
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