I had an uncommonly good time that day, and haven't got over it yet . 我倒觉得那天很有意思,至今还余兴未尽。
It is a german play, no matter what, with a tricking, shifting after-piece between the acts . 不管哪个德国剧,幕与幕之间都要有幽默滑稽的剧未余兴。
Once his fame had been established , mike began a career of touring sideshows in the company of such other creatures as a two - headed calf 那时奥逊定的农场已被受注目,麦克开始了巡回余兴节目的工作,这家公司有类似麦克这样的怪异动物,比方说有双头小牛。
The children of the male and female foundling hospital who thronged the windows overlooking the scene were delighted with this unexpected addition to the day s entertainment and a word of praise is due to the little sisters of the poor for their excellent idea of affording the poor fatherless and motherless children a genuinely instructive treat 男女弃儿医院的娃娃们也挤满一个个窗口俯瞰这一情景,对于出乎意料地添加到今天的游艺中的这一余兴感到欢快。济贫小姊妹会的修女们想出个高明主意:让这些没爹没妈的可怜的娃娃们享受到一次真正富于教育意义的娱乐,值得称赞。