| 1. | One 's failing years are numbered . 余年可数。 |
| 2. | It matters little where we pass the remnant of our days . 我们在什么地方度过我们的余年已经无关紧要。 |
| 3. | Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years . 这个地区种植通心粉已有六百余年的历史。 |
| 4. | Greece has been producing refractory grade chromite ore for more than a hundred years . 希腊生产耐火级铬铁矿石已有百余年历史。 |
| 5. | Engaged in neurosurgery clinic for over 30 years 从事神经外科临床工作30余年 |
| 6. | Confucianism business culture and modern enterprise system 晋商昌盛500余年探析及启示 |
| 7. | A summary of the hani studies in the past ten years 近十余年哈尼族研究综述 |
| 8. | To realize the dreams of generations - three gorges project 三峡工程七十余年论证采访录 |
| 9. | A summary of naxi studies in the past ten years 近十余年纳西族研究综述 |
| 10. | Women in ming dynasty - a summary of research of the past decade 近十余年来明代妇女史研究综述 |