余音袅袅: the music lingered in the air long after the performance is ended.; the enchanting notes persist long after the musicians bowed out.; the dying sounds are carried far
Example Sentences:
The music lingered in the air . 余音缭绕。
The music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared . 珍珠之歌随波荡漾,余音袅袅,终于完全消失。
The sound of their motors filtering back in a subdued gentle rumble . 迟迟才送回来引擎隆隆的余音,低声回荡。
No single phrase of his reverberates or penetrates as so many of la bruyere's do . 他没有一个句子能象拉布吕耶尔的许多句子那样余音回荡,入木三分。
She was thinking only that "some other time" had a delightful sound, it seemed to spread itself over the future . 她所想的只是“以后什么时候”这句话有一种悦耳的余音,它缭绕不散,似乎会响彻未来。
The terrible word disinheritance, with all its impressive moral reprobation, was still ringing there--seemed, indeed, to gather force as it lingered . “剥夺继承权”这个词在道德上发出了咄咄逼人的责备,它的余音愈经久不散便愈显得气势逼人。
An afterclang of cowley s chords closed , died on the air made richer 考利的伴奏结束了,缭绕的余音消失在充满感兴的空气中。
Missing is like an endless river , a tender and soft cloud , a fragrant flower and a music of bamboo flute 思念像一条流不尽的江河,思念像一片温柔的流云,思念像一朵幽香阵阵的鲜花,思念像一曲余音袅袅的萧音
Lingering song : ( complete adventurer ) this increases the duration of several bardic music effects , notably inspire courage 绕梁余音(出自完美冒险者) :这个专长可以增加多种游吟诗人音乐的持续时间,特别是激发勇气。
Alone , what did bloom hear ? the double reverberation of retreating feet on the heavenborn earth , the double vibration of a jew s harp in the resonant lane 沿着上天所生的大地退去的脚步声发出来的双重回荡,以及犹大人所奏的竖琴在余音缭绕的小径上引起的双重反响193 。