in a cocoon around oneself; be caught in one's own trap; cocoon oneself like silkworms; fall into a pit of one's own digging; fall into the cocoon set by oneself; fry in one's own grease; get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning; hoist oneself with [by] one's own petard; make a cocoon to shut oneself in; put a noose around one's own neck; spin a cocoon around oneself -- to get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning; tie oneself up with ...; weave a cocoon and get imprisoned in it; wrap oneself up in a cocoon
It may be suicidal, but there it is . 这也许是作茧自缚,但是事实如此。
The spider got entangled in its own web . 结果总是作茧自缚。
Otherwise he would never have trapped himself by those statements . 要不然,他决不会发表那几点声明来作茧自缚的。
This enthusiasm has one major effect that although not seen at the time, was self-defeating . 这种热情的主要后果恰如作茧自缚。尽管这一情况当时始终未意识到。
For one thing , oil producers have tied their own hands 其一,石油供给方作茧自缚。
He ' ll not put his head in chancery , that ' s clear 很明显,他不会作茧自缚。
Today , you are prisoners of your own quagmire 今天你们作茧自缚。
Also , are we , the single " no lifers " the ones who have created cages or limitations for ourselves 那么,我们这些单身的“无生活”们又是不是在作茧自缚呢?
This figure has already been trimmed down to reflect the reality , but it is still an inflated figure 这个数字虽然已经挤掉了一些水分忍住作茧自缚的彷徨,只待我化蝶飞翔,仍然有水分。
Your whole life is affected by your attitude , which means you restrict your activities to a designated area , and you will live a miserable life 你的生命被你的态度所包围,作茧自缚,画地为牢,你将过得很悲惨。