| 1. | Michael , pictured with his father peter , began sailing at the age of seven 佩勒姆7岁开始练习航海时与父亲一起合影。 |
| 2. | His dad is an experienced yachtsman . he shadowed the trip and was in regular radio contact with michael 在佩勒姆穿越大西洋的航行中,他一直和父亲保持无线电联络。 |
| 3. | A problem with a sail on the 28ft boat delayed his arrival in antigua by 24 hours 在航行途中佩勒姆驾驶的船的帆出现了点毛病,这使得他到达终点时比预计时间完了24小时。 |
| 4. | Michael perham , a 14 - year - old from hertfordshire , is the youngest person to sail across the atlantic single - handed 在海上风暴的伴随下,迈克尔佩勒姆在大西洋上航行了6个多星期。 |
| 5. | At home , mother heather said : ive no idea what his nextgoalwill be but i do know hes keen to cycle from lands end tojohnogroats 在家中佩勒姆的母亲说,她不知道儿子的下一个目标是什么。 |
| 6. | The 3 , 500 - mile voyage began on november 18 and has been following the trade wind route used by seafarers down the centuries 迈克尔佩勒姆的大西洋之行始于11月18日,他航行了大约3500英里。 |
| 7. | Michael is apparently looking forward to the comforts of his playstation , a steak meal , and going to bed in the dry 佩勒姆完成航行后最想做的事是玩电脑游戏吃美味大餐以及在干爽的床上睡觉。 |
| 8. | Michael is apparently looking forward to the comforts of his playstation , a steak meal , and going to bed in the dry 佩勒姆完成航行后最想做的事是玩电脑游戏、吃美味大餐以及在干爽的床上睡觉。 |
| 9. | His dad is an experienced yachtsman . he shadowed the trip and was in regular radio contact with michael 佩勒姆的父亲是一名经验丰富的水手。在佩勒姆穿越大西洋的航行中,他一直和父亲保持无线电联络。 |
| 10. | The teenager has spent more than six weeks on his yacht cheeky monkey , contending with giant waves , shark - infested waters and hurricane winds 在海上风暴的伴随下,迈克尔?佩勒姆在大西洋上航行了6个多星期。 |