| 1. | Statistics of the national institute on drug abuse indicate that the glut is not the result of declining use . 国家毒品滥用研究所的统计数字表明,这种供应过剩不是毒品使用减少的结果。 |
| 2. | Oil producers have watched with concern as crude oil inventories have grown , indicating that the market is oversupplied 对于原油库存的上升,产油国表示忧虑,因为这表明市场供应过剩。 |
| 3. | Uses other than residential should be allowed as the present residential market is weak , and there is a surplus of residential flats 现时住宅市场相当疲弱,而且住宅供应过剩。应准许改建这些楼宇作非住宅及有助提高就业率的用途。 |
| 4. | Oversupply has been mainly caused by the fragmented state of the industry , companies specializing in higher value - added products are still expanding capacity 而出现供应过剩,主要由于行业分布零散,故尽管国家实施宏观调控,专擅高增值产品的厂商仍在扩产。 |
| 5. | But many in the steel business hope this growth in china will slow down , reducing the possibility that excessive production will lead to a glut and drive down prices 但许多钢铁业内人士希望,中国的这种快速增长能够放缓,以降低因产量过多而导致供应过剩、价格下跌的可能性。 |
| 6. | But many in the steel business hope this growth in china will slow down , reducing the possibility that excessive production will lead to a glut and drive down prices 但许多人内业铁钢士希望,中国的这种快速增长能够放缓,以降过量产因低多而导致供应过剩、价格下跌的可能性。 |
| 7. | Vast glut of obsolete computer equipment was all but inevitable in an era in which a common cliche is that your new computer is outdated by the time you get it home 供应过剩充斥cliche :陈词滥调,铅版电脑更新的太快了,你还没有把它抱回家它就已经过时了,这可绝不是危言耸听哦。 |
| 8. | In a statement , opec said the cut was justified on the basis that there was “ more than ample crude supply , high stocks levels and increasing spare capacity ” in the market 欧佩克在一份声明中表示,减产的决定是合理的,因为市场上“原油供应过剩、库存水平较高,同时闲置产能不断增加” 。 |
| 9. | Our internal research suggests that the output gap has remained significantly in negative territory in the past few years , implying an excess supply , which has exerted downward pressure on prices and costs 金管局的内部研究显示,过去几年产出差距明显地下跌,显示供应过剩,对物价与成本造成下调压力 |