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English translation for "依次就座"

take seats in proper order; go to one's seat in due order; sit in order of seniority

Related Translations:
在主席台的前排就座:  be seated in the front row on the rostrum
依次:  in proper order; successively; in proper sequence 短语和例子依次发言 speak in turn; 依次进来 come in one by one; 依次上下车 get on and off in order; 学生依次被召入进行口试。the students were summoned in turn to be inte
依次转弯:  in-trail turn
依次递补:  fill vacancies in order of precedence
依次的:  alternate
依次地:  one after anotherseparately individually in order
依次下去:  one by one
依次装载:  loading turn
依次装货:  loading in turn
依次更替:  successive replacement
Example Sentences:
1.The honoured guests took their seats in due order .
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