| 1. | International expert inspects world heritage candidates in liaoning 申遗考察侧记 |
| 2. | Panjin state tax bureau strengthening education 盘锦市国税局强化教育培训侧记 |
| 3. | Special topics come from economic responsibility audit meeting 全国审计工作座谈会侧记 |
| 4. | To build up economic belt in eastern part of northeast 构建东北东部经济带论坛会议侧记 |
| 5. | The fifth session of liaoning people ' s congress 辽宁省第十届人民代表大会第五次会议侧记 |
| 6. | Fifth session of liaoning political consultative conference 辽宁省政协九届五次会议侧记 |
| 7. | Domestic and international tractor development 2004年拖拉机学会年会侧记 |
| 8. | Academic annual meeting opens in shenyang 中国科协2003年学术年会在沈阳隆重召开侧记2003 |
| 9. | Unforgotten feeling of bayu , heartied with chongqing people 中组部部长贺国强考察重庆侧记 |
| 10. | The world productivity conference held in shenyang 世界生产力大会侧记 |