| 1. | Facilitation of trade in goods between hong kong and guangdong 促进粤港货物贸易便利化 |
| 2. | Hong kong companies views on trade and investment facilitation measures under cepa 透明、简单、协调港商对cepa有关贸易投资便利化具体执行措施的建议 |
| 3. | Both sides have also agreed to enhance co - operation on trade and investment facilitation in seven areas 双方亦同意就贸易投资便利化在7个范畴加强合作。 |
| 4. | The promotion of e - business as a means for trade facilitation is already referred to in the arrangement 推广电子商务作为一项贸易便利化措施亦已在更紧密经贸关系安排中提及。 |
| 5. | Octet , a global trade facilitation company , is hiring two sales managers to work in its shanghai office 澳克太特,一家全球性贸易便利化公司,其上海办公室现招聘两名销售经理。 |
| 6. | Speech by the executive director banking policy of the hong kong monetary authority , mr simon topping english only 海关关长在泛珠三角商贸通关便利化论坛作专题演讲总结发言只有中文 |
| 7. | We will improve the system and mechanisms for managing foreign economic activities to better facilitate trade and investment 进一步完善涉外经济管理体制和机制,提高贸易和投资便利化水平。 |
| 8. | The main reasons of the fast development of gms in usa and argentina were that gms made the weed control in soybean production convenient and with high efficiency 2 )美国和阿根廷转基因大豆快速发展的主要原因是种植转基因大豆可使杂草管理便利化和高效率。 |
| 9. | And macau sars . these are important steps under cepa to facilitate investment . the new policy encourages and supports investment by mainland enterprises in 推动投资便利化的一项重要措施,有助进一步鼓励和支援更多内地企业来港投资发展,加快有关的投资决定。 |
| 10. | The application status of crop - yield assess by remote sensing is reviewed . 4 aspects are prospected of technique - integration , facility service , data processing , agro - standardization , agronomy - mechanism , widening consumer 摘要总结了国内外作物遥感估产的状况,并对作物遥感的技术集成和便利化服务、数据处理、农业标准化、农学机理、扩大用户需求共4个方面作了展望。 |