| 1. | Period of insurance for car ear 建筑安装工程一切险的保险期限 |
| 2. | My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance 我的持久耐性使我在保险期间忍受伤害 |
| 3. | The policy covers all the selling contracts within the policy period 承保被保险人在保险期间内的销售合同。 |
| 4. | My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance 我持久的忍耐力使我忍受了保险期间的伤害。 |
| 5. | My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance 我持久的忍耐力使我可以忍受保险期间的伤害。 |
| 6. | The term does not extend beyond the period of the employee s usefulness to the employer 保险期不长于该雇员对雇主的有用期限。 |
| 7. | The term does not extend beyond the period of the employee s usefulness to the employer 保险期不长于该雇员对雇主的有用期限。 |
| 8. | You should make choice of the insurance companies , the insured amount and the insurance period by yourself 您自己选择哪家保险公司的产品,保险金额、保险期限。 |
| 9. | The insured deliver the goods to the transporting party under the purchase agreement terms within the insured period 投保人在保险期内按购销合同约定的方式将货物交给承运人。 |
| 10. | The medical treatment inside insurance time limit is expended pay accumulative total gross to be sure with exceeding amount in the limit of 保险期限内医疗费给付累计总数以不超过保险金额为限。 |