倒: 倒动词1.(人或竖立的东西横躺下来) fall; topple 短语和例子摔倒 fall over; 倒在地上 topple down to the ground; 风把树刮倒了。 the gale uprooted the tree. 那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了。 the tired traveller fell back on the bed and at onc
频: Ⅰ形容词(次数多) frequent 短语和例子这儿春季雨很频。 rains are frequent here in spring.Ⅱ副词(屡次) frequently; repeatedly 短语和例子捷报频传。 reports of new victories keep pouring in.Ⅲ名词1.[物理学] (物体每秒钟振动的次数) frequency 短语和例