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Home > chinese-english > "偏安一隅" in English

English translation for "偏安一隅"

be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country

Related Translations:
偏安:  (of a feudal regime) be content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country
一隅:  a corner 短语和例子一隅之见 a glance from a corner
大地一隅:  a place in the land
局促一隅:  be cramped in a corner -- confined in a small place
苟安一隅:  seek momentary ease in an isolated place
困守一隅:  be hemmed in a corner
填凑一隅:  crowding together in a corner
退据一隅:  withdraw into a corner
株守一隅:  the trunk stands in a corner
一隅之地:  a small plot of land
Example Sentences:
1.State - owned commercial banks ( scb ) are the backbone of china ' s financial system
2.Shenzhen , a pearl at the front line of china ' s reform , has developed from a remote small fishing village to a outstanding modern city in southern china , and has the fastest developing economy among chinese cities
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