| 1. | Underground water tanks 社区地下储水槽 |
| 2. | Why not use the same cheap piping to bring water from streams to crops 我们可以将大约20公升的大桶放到山涧里,就可以取代?水系统中的昂贵储水槽。 |
| 3. | 4 exhaust fan b0 sets , totally 17 , 880cfm e medical facility : 6000gal underground oil tank and piping ior boiler 5 " steam piping s . s 医疗设备:锅炉用6 , 000gal地下油槽及输送管路5 ”蒸气配管sus .储水槽紫外线杀 |
| 4. | In 1992 i visited a hill village in nepal called madan pokhara where sprinkler systems supplied from small reservoirs irrigated the farms 1992年,我造访了尼泊尔一个名为马丹波哈拉的山村,当地农民利用?水系统,从一个储水槽接水灌溉农田。 |
| 5. | Large water tanks at the tops of buildings could act as mass dampers to counteract any swaying from extreme lateral loads and as reservoirs for deluging fires 屋顶上装设大型储水槽,可以发挥质量阻尼器的功能,抵消因为侧面负载过重导致的倾斜,此外,也可以用来扑灭大火。 |
| 6. | The abundant rainfall before and after the distribution operation spurred the germination of the seeds , not only watering the fields but also filling up wells and underground water storage tanks that could sustain the villages for three years 在这段时间前后,雨水绵延不断,种子因而能够顺利发芽成长。丰沛的雨水不仅灌溉了田地,也装满水井与地下储水槽,让这些村落三年内的用水不虞匮乏。 |
| 7. | In addition , eight temporary shower stalls with water storage tanks were built , and the meditation hall , entrance , campsites , kitchen , showers , toilets and other areas were brilliantly illuminated with electric lights , adding to the venues warmth and welcoming ambiance 另外,还建盖了八间附有储水槽的临时淋浴间,一到夜晚,大殿小中心入口处帐篷区厨房淋浴间和厕所等处一片灯火通明,为这个新的小中心增添了温馨欢迎的气氛。 |
| 8. | When the relief work was completed at barmer , the initiates learned that the local government had insufficient funds to build more underground water storage tanks and consolidate wells for the local communities . so the relief team immediately subsidized the purchase of materials to build 50 water tanks and consolidate 21 wells with the help of the mmba 在完成发放工作后,有鉴于当地政府缺乏资金,无法多为居民建设社区地下储水槽及巩固地下水井,同修们随即补助巴摩尔地区购买工程所需物资,在mmba组织的协助下建设了50个水槽,并展开21口井的巩固工程。 |
| 9. | The water storage tanks in the community are designed to receive water from water vehicles in times of drought , and to store rainwater during the wet season . in order for local residents to be ready before the next rainy season , the construction work was stepped up so that it could be completed by mid - june , 2003 社区地下储水槽的设计除了在乾旱时由水车载水,雨季时则可储存雨水为了在雨季来临前得以储备民生用水,所有工程赶在六月中旬陆续完工启用,预计将可让七千名以上的人口受惠。 |
| 10. | Thus on masters instructions , fellow initiates from many countries travelled to the region in april to render aid , distributing relief materials at that time , and in june , helping villagers in the barmer district of rajasthan to build water tanks and consolidate wells . please refer to news magazine no . 144 for details 在师父的指示下,来自不同国家的同修于今年4月底前往赈灾纾困,除了发放物资外,并于6月间协助巴摩尔地区的村民兴建储水槽及进行巩固水井的工程请参阅本刊144期的报导。 |