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English translation for "僵化现象"


Related Translations:
僵化:  become rigid; ossify; petrifaction; petrifying; inactivation 短语和例子思想僵化 a rigid way of thinking; an ossified way of thinking; ossified [hidebound] thinking; rigid concepts; 僵化的经济体制 rigid ec
僵化思想:  ossified thinking
使僵化:  benumb
产品僵化:  product petrification
僵化观念:  fixed idea
经济僵化:  economic rigidities
僵化形式:  fossilized form
僵化微分方程:  stiff differential equation
思想僵化:  fossilized conceptideolosische verhrtungmental stagnationossification
僵化行业:  stalemated industry
Example Sentences:
1.Error analysis and foreign language teaching
2.The fossilization of the learner ' s inter - language is believed to be a major source of incorrect forms resistant to further instruction
3.Language fossilization is a common occurrence in foreign language learning , which has been studied by many linguists from different angles for its causes
4.The paper gives the definition of fossilization and summarizes what causes the fossilization , when to begin the fossilization , how the fossilization distributes and provides some ideas to prevent and delay the fossilization
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