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English translation for "儋县"

danxian (a county in guangdong province)

Related Translations:
:  名词(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子儋翩 dan pian
儋翩:  dan pian
儋县蠛蠓:  lasiohelea danxianensis
儋州话:  danzhou dialect
家无儋石:  not even a picul of rice in the house -- living from hand to mouth
Example Sentences:
1.The qiongzhong granite should have been formed at orogenic relaxing stage after the peak of indosinian orogeny , and the danxian granite were formed at the latest orogenic phase
2.The zircon shrimp u - pb dating results suggest that the qiongzhong and danxian granites were emplaced at 237 3 ma and 186 3 ma , respectively , which argued against the previous thoughts that all the foliated granites with orientated structure in hainan island formed duing the hercynian - indosinian episode
高精度shrimp锆石u - pb定年显示琼中岩基形成于印支期( 237 3ma ) ,而儋县岩基形成于燕山早期( 186 3ma ) ,修正了前人将海南岛具有定向构造的变形花岗岩等同于海西?印支期花岗岩的认识。
3.The qiongzhong and danxian granites are belong to the kcg - type ( k - rich calc - alkaline ) granitoids according to the tectonic nomenclature by barbarin ( 1999 ) . these foliated kcg - type granites with original orientated structure are the results generated in a changing geodynamic orogenic environment with alternating compressional to extensional stress field . this suggests that hainan island has been a part of south china since latest permian , and been major in extrusion environment of the tethys tectonic system
根据barbarin ( 1999 )分类,琼中和儋县岩基花岗岩属于高k及含钾长石斑晶的钙碱性花岗岩,同时它们具有原生定向构造,是挤压?松弛?挤压的构造演化过程的产物,表明海南岛从二叠纪末期开始已经是华南大陆的一部分,主要受到了特提斯构造域的影响。
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