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English translation for "允许误差"

acceptable variation
admissible error
allowable error
allowable tolerance
allowance error
ee error excepted
ee errors excepted
error allowance
give or take
permissible error

Related Translations:
允许请求:  request enable
允许追踪:  trace enable
允许浓度:  allowable concentration
允许计数:  count enable
允许让给:  promise
允许例外:  to grant exception
允许结盟:  authally - allow ally
允许写入:  write enablewrite permitwriteable
得到允许做:  be granted permission to
振动允许界限:  allowable limits of vibration
Example Sentences:
1.Allowable error for judge of quality testing results in feeds
2.This is a qualitative test . tolerance might be 2 - 3 %
这是一个定性的测试。允许误差在2 - 3 %之间。
3.Dimensions , mass and permissible variations of hot rolled steel sections
4.It international tolerance
5.Dimensions , mass and permissible variations of hot rolled steel plates , sheets and strips
6.The maximum permissible error when the working frequency of resistor is equal to or lower than the measurement frequency
7.For shorter test times , appropriate reductions in the tolerances must be defined , e . g . 2 weeks for 3 months
对于1年以内的测试,必须规定相应缩短的允许误差,例如, 3个月的允许误差为2星期。
8.Drawing out the standard of quality control means to combine the sampling and analysis procedures together and draws out the justified limit of the allowed variance
9.To contrast with the real clock and find the reason which cause the error and give the arithmetic which can minimize error , then lets the clock meet the need of production
10.After working for half a year , the measurement system has the high reliability , according to the appraisement , it has far higher precision than maximal err 3 % which is regulated by china for level 1 measurement . the system has satisfied the design requirement
该计量系统已运行半年多,经局技术监督处鉴定,其计量精度远高于国家规定的天然气一级计量最大允许误差3 ,可靠性强,达到设计要求。
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