世界疫苗和免役状况: state of the world's vaccines and immunization
新独立国家免役合作京都会议: kyoto conference on cooperation for immunization in the new independent states
Example Sentences:
There is no evidence that the exo-erythrocytic stages in the liver produce any significant degree of immunity . 并无证据证明在肝内的红细胞外期,可产生任何有效程度的免役。
It is new , so there is no natural protection 因为是一种新的病毒,所以没有自然免役。
Did you ever apply for exemption from military service because of alienage , conscientious objections or other reasons 你曾否由于精神错乱、良心不安或其他理由而申请免役?
In the vicinity of bogutcharovo were large villages inhabited by crown serfs , or peasants who paid rent to absentee owners 博古恰罗沃附近所有大村庄都是属于皇家和收免役税的地主。
The immune system , which is responsible for tissue rejection , will easily recognize the tissue as foreign and will reject it vigorously 负责组织排斥的免役系统将很容易地识别出外来组织并强烈排斥它。
Activated dc cells promote the antigen to repress tumor metastasis , the breakdown product of cancer cellular necrosis also exciting immunologic system 活化dc细胞促进抗原呈抑制肿瘤转移,坏死癌细胞分解产物刺激增强免役系统
The doctors used a pioneering technique inserting the gene into the boy ' s bone marrow which allowed it to produce the vital immune cells that he lacked 医生使用了一项具有开拓性的技术将基因插入小孩骨髓使其能产生他本身所缺少的至关重要的免役细胞。
A number of asian countries , including japan , korea , malaysia and singapore , have successfully eradicated rabies through animal control and immunization programs 一定数量的亚洲国家,包括日本,韩国,马来西亚和新加坡,通过动物控制和免役节目成功地根除了狂犬病。
There is no man who has power over his breath to retain his breath , and no one has power over the day of death ; and there is no discharge in the battle , nor will wickedness deliver its own master 8无人有权力掌管气息,将气息留住;也无人有权力掌管死期;在争战时,无人能免役,邪恶也不能救自己的主人。
Though the peasants paid rent instead of working as serfs , alpatitch expected to meet no difficulty on their part in carrying out this order , since there were two hundred and thirty efficient families in bogutcharovo , and the peasants were well - to - do 虽然,农民都是交免役税户,但在阿尔帕特奇看来,执行这个命令不致于会有什么困难,因为博古恰罗沃有二百三十户交免役税户,他们户户都富裕。