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English translation for "全光谱"

full spectrum

Related Translations:
光谱辐射能:  spectral radiant energy
光栅光谱:  grating spectrum
热解光谱:  pyrolytic spectrum
光谱项:  spectral termspectroscopic termterm of spectrum
重合光谱:  coincidence spectrum
光谱法:  optical spectrographic methodpower-spectral methodspectra methodsspectroscopic methodology
光谱湿度计:  spectral hygrometer
光谱信号:  spectral signature
光谱镜:  spectral mirror
光谱技术:  spectroscopic techniques
Example Sentences:
1.Initially , researchers felt that one needed full spectrum light
2.Full spectrum halogen lamp source 1 color choice or three color models
3.Some people like to use full spectrum light bulbs for everyday household use
4.All right , i want a full - spectrum sweep of every incoming signal
5.Many people still prefer full spectrum ( minus uv ) light because it is closest to natural lighting
6.Full spectrum balanced empowerment of the higher loving qualities and compassionate attributes of the real eternal infinite selfhood
7.The linear ccd allows the entire range of individual wavelengths in the spectrum to be detected simultaneously and is especially suitable for resolving low level signals in a noisy environment
8.The experimental study , which is the research on manpower lamp - house in the whole - spectrum simulation of solar radiation , is the primary content and the important part on the simulation of many - parameters in the environment
太阳辐射全光谱模拟人工光源的实验研究是多参数综合环境模拟试验室的的主要内容和重要组成部分。本文的主要研究内容和成果如下: 1
9.Until now leds have produced only red and green light but the research team at bath university has been working on a model that will emit green and blue light as well , thus allowing the full spectrum to be produced artificially for the first time
10.Adamas gemological laboratory in brookline , mass . , has developed a spectrophotometer that shines full - spectrum light through a stone and detects specific wavelengths that are absorbed by occasional nitrogen atom clusters , common in natural stones but not in synthetics
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