| 1. | After all , stock quotes are for public consumption 毕竟股票报价是用于公共消费的。 |
| 2. | The externality of public property and the public consumption system 公共物品的外部性及对我国公共消费制度的思考 |
| 3. | Most visitors are content to window shop , but a few will try to peek at things you don ' t intend for public consumption 大多数访问者都亲睐于这些窗口购物,但是有少部分人会偷窥那些你不打算提供的公共消费项目。 |
| 4. | We will then need just enough growth in private and public spending to offset productivity growth and keep job growth in line with the supply of new workers 在这种情况下,私人和公共消费只要能抵消生产率增长,让就业和劳动力供应保持同步增长就可以了。 |
| 5. | The imf , worried that public spending is intensifying inflationary pressures , is urging the government to save any windfall from its recent tax reforms , rather than use it to boost spending on infrastructure even more 国际货币基金组织担心公共消费会加剧通胀的压力,并正在敦促越南政府存储近来税务改革所获得的资金而不要把它用于基础设施建设。 |
| 6. | This is a valuable program for higher education researchers all over the world . this thesis tries to answer three questions : firstiy , why the policy - making of higher education in china should pay much more attentions to no - public expenditure 本文主要想解决三个最基本的问题:一是为什么要从高等教育非公共消费的角度来探讨我国高等教育的发展战略及相应的政策取向。 |
| 7. | Firstly , the market force will influence higher education in all kinds of welfare state of countries , but the responses on the infiuence are defer from couniry to counny because of the divergence in their political system as well as cultural history secondly , the government funding still plays the greatest role in funding higher education , but no - public funding is also playing more and more impofha role at the same time . it ' s the esselltial condition for mass higher education development . public funding with no - public funding as a whole force wil1 reshape the higher educaton in the 2l st century 通过本研究得出的基本结论有:市场力量对高等教育的渗透将不同程度地发生在各种教育制度的国家:高等教育非公共消费从总体上讲至今仍然处于从属的非主流的地位,但非公共消费是必需的,尤其在高等教育走向大众化、普及化的阶段;公共消费与非公共消费共同推动、学术取向兼容市场取向将会是21世纪高等教育发展的一大特点。 |
| 8. | The third part is the case study of fami1y expenditure and enterprise expenditure on education in shanghai over the last l0 years , describes the arising and grown up of no - public expenditure on higher education in china . the fourth part analysis the key issues about the function of no - public expenditure for funding of higher education and about the future of no - public expenditure 本文采用文献研究、比较研究、实证研究和理论分析等方法,对高等教育非公共消费的出现与成长,高等教育非公共消费的基本特征及其在高等教育发展中的地位和未来的拓展空间,高等教育非公共消费对中国高等教育的改革与发展的现实意义等问题作了初步回答。 |
| 9. | Thirdly , making analysis on some issues which will be very importan for mass higher education developing in china in the coming years , such as the nature of higher education as public goods or privatc goods , how to recognized the educational equality issue when markt force influence taken place in this field , how to cope with the relationship among public sector 二是如何通过拓展非公共消费的空间促进我国高等教育的可持续发展。三是为新时代我国高等教育进入大众化发展阶段以后面对的难题提供破解的理论线索,如高等教育的公共属性问题,教育平等问题,公共力量、市场力量和非营利组织三者的关系问题等等。 |