| 1. | Study on the bond stress - slip relationship variation with the position 三维实体模型在公路设计中的应用研究 |
| 2. | The design of intersection is an important part of highway design 公路平面交叉口设计是公路设计的重要组成部分。 |
| 3. | In - house design of highways 部门内部公路设计 |
| 4. | Whether fit or not of design for slope determines the slope ' s stability 边坡稳定设计是公路设计的重要内容之一,边坡设计合理与否直接决定着边坡的稳定性。 |
| 5. | " we have examined the current highway design and safety measures at previous meetings 郑汉钧博士表示:小组在早前会议上已研究过现时的公路设计及安全措施。 |
| 6. | Researching results of accident prediction models can provide an effective tool for road safety design 摘要事故预测模型的研究可为公路设计人员提供有效的安全设计工具。 |
| 7. | " bicycle route " means any highway that is designated to be shared by bicycles and pedestrians or motor vehicles , or both "自行车专用道路"是指任何公路设计来供自行车和行人共用或马达车辆等,或两者兼而有之。 |
| 8. | E . d . dickmanns , a . zapp . " a curvature - based scheme for improving road vehicle guidance by computer vision " , spie vol . 727 , mobile robots ( 1986 ) / 161 岩间滋,七宫大著,任力译,透视图法在公路设计中的应用,人民交通出版社。 |
| 9. | Now the way which can guarantee the quality of highway design depends on the experience of experts . so this way cannot evaluate the highway design scientifically 公路设计质量的控制手段主要是依靠专家的经验、智慧与才能,很难对其做出客观全面的评价。 |
| 10. | The existing highway design criterion only takes setting pavement longitudinal grade , side ditch and drainage ditch into account in order to eliminate surface water 现有的公路设计中,考虑较多的仅仅是通过设置道路的纵坡、边沟及排水沟等设施来排除地表水。 |