| 1. | These signs are followed by ataxia . 这些症状之后就是共济失调。 |
| 2. | The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin e deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease . 雏鸡显示共济失调,但与维生素E缺乏的称为小脑软化症或疯狂病(crazychickdisease)不同。 |
| 3. | The clinical study on hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia 遗传性脊髓小脑共济失调7型的临床研究 |
| 4. | Recent progress in the molecular genetics of spinocerebellar ataxias 脊髓小脑共济失调的分子遗传学研究进展 |
| 5. | Hereditary cerebellar ataxia 遗传性小脑共济失调 |
| 6. | Spastic ataxic gait 痉挛性共济失调步态 |
| 7. | Fronatl lobe ataxia 额叶共济失调 |
| 8. | Clinical observation on point - through - point acupuncture for treatment of cerebellar ataxia after apoplexy 透穴刺法治疗中风后小脑性共济失调临床观察 |
| 9. | It is the most frequent of the hereditaryataxias and it affects approximately 1 person out of 30 ' 000 这是最常见的遗传性共济失调,大约每30 , 000人中会有1人患有此病。 |
| 10. | The patient was a 51 year old woman with a history of rapidly progressive cognitive impairment and ataxia of gait 患者系51岁女性,有呈急性进行性发展的认知损害和步态共济失调病史。 |