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English translation for "关于这点"

he is beefy

Related Translations:
这点技术也是工作中现学的:  what skill i have has been picked up on the job
关于在:  as far as…be concerned
关于盈利:  profit wise
关于信息学:  declaration of mexico on informatics development and peace
关于购物:  about shopping
关于时尚:  about fashion
关于再生:  about reincarnation
关于贸易:  declaration on trade transit and inward investment
关于省略:  getting ready for chapter 8: what you need to know about reduction: or and are
关于姓名:  about your name and age
Example Sentences:
1. "if it's correct, and i'd put money on it, this idea is tremendously important. "
2.Has anybody else anything to say on this
3.But that is not saying much
4." if it ' s correct , and i ' d put money on it , this idea is tremendously important .
“如果这种观点正确的话,那么它是极为重要的,关于这点我愿意出钱打赌。 ”
5.I have formed no supposition on the subject , sir ; but i want to go on as usual for another month
关于这点,我没有任何设想,先生,但是我想再过上一个月往常的日子。 ”
6.God has made it clear ; hes says , " i made all the animals to befriend you and help you .
关于这点,上帝已经说得很清楚了, ?说:我创造所有的动物做你们的朋友,帮助你们。
7.Shri mataji : i don t want to say all that because i don t want to get crucified for nothing at all
8.This is extremely difficult to test , as once someone scores the ai changes tactics and you no longer face the same challenge
9.With that , here are six bits of advice for those embarking on or are already on what should be a lifetime quest to becoming a good programmer
10.Word - for - word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences . this can be illustrated by translating the following french sentences
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