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English translation for "具有收敛"

the herbs with astringent and subsiding function

Related Translations:
相对一致收敛:  relative uniform convergence
具有中国特色:  with chinese characteristics
具有亮晶晶眼睛:  youngeyed
具有征候的:  symptomatic
具有重大意义:  be of great significance
具有深远影响:  have a far reaching impact on
具有食物价值:  having food value
具有脊索的:  chordate
具有原来特征的:  racy of the soil
具有科技攻坚能力:  be capable of tackling key research topics
Example Sentences:
1.Utility to generate a transact - sql script to bring the data into convergence
实用工具生成transact - sql脚本以使数据具有收敛性。
2.8 pellicle for oral ulcer can relieve pain and inflammation and has an astringent action
3.The tannic acid containing organic substances such as a base convergence , pectin content can absorb toxins
4.Furthermore , a new algorithm with good convergence and high precision is proposed for this model
5.The following actions describe how to determine if data is non - convergent and how to bring it into convergence
6.The computer simulation result shows that the method algorithm converges fast , ram requires less and compensation effect is good
计算机仿真结果表明,该方法具有收敛速度快、需要动态存储器( ram )少、补偿效果好等特点。
7.Computed results show that improved algorithms not only obtain better results , but also are timesaving and more robust compared with original algorithms
8.The simulation result of non ? linear continuous optimal problem indicates that the algorithm has better performance than quantum genetic algorithm
9.In terms of actions , herbs with astringent , descending and sinking actions belong to yin , while those with dispersing , ascending and floating actions pertain to yang
10.A lot of simulation results show that the sofia has the high convergency rate , accuracy and good stability . it can be conveniently applied to engineering practice
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