| 1. | The combatants were unequally matched. elias was anger, cornelis spiteful . 争斗的双方是力量悬殊的。伊莱亚斯怒气冲冲,科内利斯则居心叵测。 |
| 2. | The nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest . 内利号巡航艇,帆都没有颤抖一下,就吃住了锚链,牢牢地泊定了。 |
| 3. | And this god is going to come to somebody through you 以马内利,神与我们同在。 |
| 4. | Keala kennelly has spent so much time in the barrel 凯拉肯内利在桶里的时间太多了 |
| 5. | Menelaus will kill him . i won ' t let that happen 梅内利奥斯会杀了他的。我不能让他死。 |
| 6. | He could send peace and voice to menelaus 他会将和平和愿望送给梅内利奥斯 |
| 7. | I will . - don ' t let menelaus hurt her -我会的。 -别让梅内利奥斯伤害她。 |
| 8. | Menelaus will kill us both . - do not be afraid of him -梅内利奥斯会杀了我们俩-别怕他 |
| 9. | Keala kennelly has spent so much time in the barrel . . 凯拉?肯内利在桶里的时间太多了. . |
| 10. | Milk and honey on the other side , hallelujah 和欢喜,欢喜,以马内利, |