A queen regnant must accede to the wishes of her minister as to the personnel of the female part of her household . 关于内廷女官的任用,执政女王必须采纳首相的意见。
In the ming dynasty the imperial household used charcoal obtained and made by forced conscript labour , but the charcoal used as fuel by officials and the city populace was bought through market channels 明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的摇役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。
It is composed of two parts , the outer palace where the emperors held grand ceremonies , and discued state affairs with high - ranking officials and the inner palace where emperors conducted routine govemment affairs and empresses , concubines , princes , princesses resided , amused themselves and worshipped gods 宫殿分前后两部分,前为外朝,是皇帝举行大典,召见群臣,行使权力的场所。后为内廷,是皇帝日常处理政务和帝后嫔妃皇子公主居住游玩奉神之处。