internal and external troubles; anxiety arising from within and trouble coming from without; domestic trouble and foreign invasion; internal disturbance and foreign aggression; internal revolt and foreign invasion
Example Sentences:
As the entrance of wto , many foreign travel agencies are ready to enter china 而随着我国加入wto ,外资旅行社已经开始大举进驻中国,中国旅行社行业可谓是“内忧外患” 。
In this critical moment , the action that china takes is going to be the focus of attention 在这样的“内忧外患”之下,中国出版如何谱写自己的发展篇章,成为广大业内外人士瞩目的焦点。
Late qing was in the period that internal and external suffers interwinded , and all levels of society were undergoing changes 晚清处于一个内忧外患相交织的时代,社会各个层面都发生着变化。
In the face of such internal and external troubles , youths like us who had such high hopes for nantah did not know what to do 面对着“内忧外患” ,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。
To meet the challenge and run out the dilemma , chengdu shahe dairy company is now trying to build their brand 沙河乳品公司为了摆脱困境,提出了要进行品牌建设的思路,希望能通过品牌建设改变内忧外患的不利局面。
America needs a full - time president and a full - time congress , particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad 美国需要以为全心全意的总统和一个全心全意的国会,尤其是现在处于内忧外患的时期。
Since modern times china entered , domestic trouble and foreign invasion , the new or old things are lumped together , this disappear he long , feudal china changes without end 中国进入近代以来,内忧外患,新旧事物混杂,此消彼长,一切都在不断变化之中。
But chinese commercial banks has to solve many problems , such as entrancing the market is more difficult , bad assets is too more and the expenditure to construct banks net is too much 而中国银行业内部存在着市场准入难度加大、不良资产过多以及网络扩展费用高等难题。为了在这种“内忧外患”中求生存,我国商业银行已开始了一系列的并购尝试。
For the chinese people , the 20th century is one of internal conflicts , foreign invasions and painstaking struggles for existence , which is both the reality that determines the development of arts and the guarantee for the artists to fulfill their social responsibility 20世纪中华民族的内忧外患和抗争求存,既是艺术发展的现实规定,也决定了艺术家的社会责任的担当。
The thesis is divided into five sections , basing on the case study of strategic adjustment program of zhongsheng pharmaceutical company ( yy as addressed below ) in the 21 st century . the first section is an introduction , which brings out the current position of the inner concerns and foreign aggressions that yy company faces in the 21st century through two stories 全文分为五大部分:第一部分是引子,通过两个事件,引出了yy公司目前所面临的内忧外患的处境;第二部分描述了yy公司目前的现状,并提出了yy公司进行21世纪战略调整的问题。