These cells are known as endodermal cells . 这些细胞称为内胚层细胞。
These epithelial elements arise embryologically from foregut endoderm in the process of bronchial tubular growth . 这些表皮细胞在胚胎学上把源于支气管生长过程中的前内脏叫内胚层。
These congenital lesions arise from abnormal separation of the endoderm and neuroectoderm during embryogenesis 这些先天性的异常是因为再胚胎发育时,内胚层与神经外胚层不正常的分离所造成的。
An endodermal sinus tumor ( yolk sac tumor ) of the testis is shown composed of primitive germ cells that form glomeruloid or embryonal - like structures 睾丸的内胚层窦肿瘤(卵黄囊肿瘤)由原始生殖细胞构成,这些细胞形成血管球或胚芽样结构。
It contained 187 amino acids deduced from the nucleotide sequence , and showed 65 % amino acid sequence identity with human aoeb166 . the analysis of n - and c - terminal domains revealed amino acid sequences characteristic of features of mitochondrial and peroxisomal targetin 原位杂交分析表明从受精卵到神经胚, aophihmgb基因广泛表达,但随着发育的进行,中胚层、内胚层和神经管的表达减弱,到1天幼虫期,仅在表皮可检测到表达。
Ranging from 100 to 200 microns across , the width of several human hairs , these microscopic fossils are surprisingly complex and constitute almost a textbook example of a bilaterian , including the three major tissue layers ( the endoderm , mesoderm and ectoderm familiar from high school biology texts ) , the presence of a gut with a mouth and anus , and paired coeloms ( body cavities ) surrounding the gut 这些微化石的大小为100 ~ 200微米,相当于几根头发的宽度, ?们看起来出奇复杂,而且简直就像两侧对称动物的教科书般,展示了各种特徵:包括三个主要的组织层(内胚层、中胚层及外胚层,都是中学生物课本中熟悉的名词) ,前后连接口部与肛门的肠腔,肠腔外还围绕著成对的体腔。