English translation for "册府元龟"
- prime tortoise of the record bureau
Related Translations:
册: Ⅰ名词(册子) volume; book 短语和例子第一册 volume one; 画册 an album of paintings; 装订成册 bind into book form; 这部书一共6 册。 this book is in six volumes.Ⅱ量词copy 短语和例子那本书卖了1万册。 ten thousand copies of the book w 海关册: customs bills of entry 邮票册: carnet de timbres m.mstamp booklet
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The publishing industry abounding in vigor and vitality made tang xianzu famous , with the maintenance of the culture and history of the china writing the preface , publishing famous works , conducting the literary review , revising " ce fu yuan gui " , rewriting " history of the song dynasty " , commenting on and publishing " hua chien collection , " tang xianzu regarded publishing as his lifetime career 汤显祖的一生与明代出版结下了不解之缘:繁荣的出版业带来了家族丰厚的藏书,使汤显祖早期慧根得以开发;蓬勃兴起的印刷业,使汤显祖一时间文名远播,为后人留下了较为完整的汤显祖,也丰富了中国文化史的内容;汤显祖为人写序、整理文献、校订《册府元龟》 、重修《宋史》 、点评并出版《花间集》等大量的编纂活动,都与出版事业有关。 |
- Similar Words:
- "册次" English translation, "册次郎" English translation, "册封" English translation, "册封公爵" English translation, "册封圣人部" English translation, "册亨" English translation, "册卷" English translation, "册立皇后" English translation, "册麓侵蚀平原" English translation, "册莫曼" English translation