| 1. | Could you put a few ideas down on paper ? 把你的一些想法写出来可以吗? |
| 2. | The report is all buttoned up . 报告全部写出来了。 |
| 3. | He writes in despair, and the result is a demented book . 他是在绝望中写作的,写出来的是一本疯狂的书。 |
| 4. | A memorandum was drawn up and signed at 2 a.m. on september 30 . 备忘录已写出来并在9月30日晨二时签了字。 |
| 5. | One might add, her writing was so unfinished despite her genius . 我们还可以加上一句,尽管她有那样的才华,写出来的东西却那样未经推敲。 |
| 6. | Good sound unlimited competition was the condition under which these books were written . 这些书是在良好的,健康的,无限制的竞争的情况之下写出来的。 |
| 7. | He writes in despair, and the result is a demented book that no publisher will handle . 他是在绝望中写作的,写出来的是一本疯狂的书,哪个出版商都不肯碰它。 |
| 8. | Common fractions written in the greek or egyptian system were too awkward for astronomical calculations . 用希腊人或埃及人那套办法写出来的普通分数很不便于作天文计算。 |
| 9. | History as usually written puts the emphasis on national differences to the neglect of national similarities . 一般写出来的历史总强调各国的不同之点,而忽略各国的相似之处。 |
| 10. | There is something about putting your thoughts on paper that forces you to get down to specifics. that way, it's harder to deceive yourself-or anybody else . 如果要把想法用白纸黑字写出来,你就不得不考虑具体的问题。这样就比较难以自欺--也不能欺人。 |