English translation for "农业推广服务"
- agricultural extension service
Related Translations:
农业推广: agriculture extension 时尚推广: fashion merchandising 逐步推广: gradual popularization 推广国货: promote home product 推广的: generalized neumann boundary condition 推广费用: sales promotion expense 推广品种: commercial varietyrecommended varietyreleased varietyreleasing varietyspreading variety
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Feasibility analysis on the agricultural extension service supply mode leading by enterprises 企业主导的农业推广服务供给模式的可行性分析 | | 2. | This paper studies the status , problems and countermeasures with regard to agricultural and sci - tech publishing in hebei province 文章研究了河北农业科技出版的现状、问题及对策,对农业出版如何为农业推广服务具有重要意义。 | | 3. | Peasant households are affected by natural environment condition , the policy and market factor mainly while confirming that plants the cotton , the level of cotton price of the market has influence on the adjustment that peasant households plant the cotton area the coming year , during the process of using the variety of cotton , lay particular emphasis on and consider and popularize cost and benefit , community , neighbourhood relation and agricultural extension service system while being agrotechnical 农户在确定是否种植棉花时主要受自然环境条件、政策和市场因素的影响,市场棉花价格的高低对农户来年植棉面积的调整有影响,而在使用棉花品种的过程中,则侧重考虑农技推广成本与效益、社区及邻里关系和农业推广服务体系。 |
- Similar Words:
- "农业土壤学的" English translation, "农业土壤学家" English translation, "农业土壤用水" English translation, "农业团结工联" English translation, "农业推广" English translation, "农业推广委员会" English translation, "农业推广学" English translation, "农业拖拉机" English translation, "农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮圆周速度和宽度" English translation, "农业拖拉机动力输出轴" English translation