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English translation for "农村商业"

rural commerce

Related Translations:
农村病:  rural disease
中国农村:  ruralchina
农村公路:  rural highwayruralhighway
农村市场:  rural market
农村卫生:  rural healthrural hygienerural sanitation
农村义务教育:  compulsory education in rural areas
农村电话局:  community exchangerural exchangerural telephone exchange
农村储蓄业务:  rural savings service
农村电网改造:  projects to upgrade rural power gridsupgrade rural power grid
农村人口减少:  rural depopulationruraldepopulation
Example Sentences:
1.Countryside commerce and department stores
2.Abc will strengthen its role as a financial service provider for farmers and country - level business
中国农业银行将深化其作为农民以及农村商业的金融服务提供者的职责(角色) 。
3.The floor area of the company s main building is 13 . 8 thousand square meters . the company s sales for 1994 were rmb 401 . 19 million . there are altogether 165 grass - roots general merchandise cooperatives in suzhou s 162 villages and towns
苏州的农村商业主要分布在162个乡镇,建有165个基层供销合作社,各供销社都设有1 - 3个营业面积在300平方米以上的中小型综合商场。
4.The floor area of the company s main building is 13 . 8 thousand square meters . the company s sales for 1994 were rmb 401 . 19 million . there are altogether 165 grass - roots general merchandise cooperatives in suzhou s 162 villages and towns
苏州的农村商业主要分布在162个乡、镇,建有165个基层供销合作社,各供销社都设有1 - 3个营业面积在300平方米以上的中小型综合商场。
5.Especially , on the basis of the current situation that our country " s rural medical security system is much weaker at present , the author proposes solving the rural medical insurance problems from the following respects : to rectify and improve rural medical organization efficiently to utilize resources , stabi lize the medicine price , solve the problems of the peasants " prevention little diseases and small injures ; to launch medical treatment to help each other , strengthen the ability of resisting serious diseases ; third , to develop rural business insurance , to meet the multi - level medical demands and guarantee that it can offer the peasants finally a reliable health network of social safety
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