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English translation for "冲刺跑"


Related Translations:
冲刺:  [体育] spurt; sprint; dash 短语和例子向终点线冲刺 make a spurt [dash] towards the tape; 最后冲刺 a final sprint; a sprint at the finish; 冲刺速度 dash speed
冲刺鞋:  lightweight
中空冲刺:  hollow sprint
八月冲刺:  august rush
冲刺期:  sprint period
弯道冲刺:  bank dash
三叉戟冲刺:  trident thrust
加力冲刺:  afterburner dash
超音速冲刺:  dash supersonically
暗影冲刺:  charge of darkness
Example Sentences:
1.By literature consultation and from the perspective of biomechanics and anatomy , the article studied hamstring movement characteristics of soccer player while rush running of short distance with emg , and analyzed potential factors ( musculature of the pelvis and thigh ) of hamstring injury , furthermore , suggest active advice and recommendations for the prevention
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