[ jìng ] Ⅰ形容词 1.(清洁; 干净) clean 短语和例子 擦净 wipe sth. clean; 窗明几净 with bright windows and clean tables; bright and clean; 净水 clean water; 这件褂子没洗净。this jacket hasn't been properly washed.2.(净尽;没有剩余) empty; hollow; bare 短语和例子 吃净 eat up; 烧净 burn up; 用净 use up; 偷得干干净净 have everything stolen and nothing left3.(纯) net 短语和例子 净出 [进] 口 net export [import]; 净收入 net incomeⅡ动词 (使干净; 擦洗干净) cleanse; wash 短语和例子 净面 wash one's face; 净手 wash one's hands; relieve oneselfⅢ副词 (表示单纯而没有别的; 只管; 全都) entirely; only; merely; nothing but 短语和例子 净说不干 all talk, no action; 别净打岔。don't keep interrupting. 星期六晚上她净去跳舞。she goes nowhere but to the dance party on saturday evenings. 屋子里净是书。there are nothing but books in the room. 这几天净刮大风。it's been very windy these last few days.Ⅳ名词 (戏曲角色,通称花脸) the “painted face”, a character type in beijing opera, etc