This time i want to stay out of sight . 这回我可不想出头露面。
We gotta get everything set up and then we can come out in the open . 咱们总得把一切都准备妥当了,才能公开出头露面。
When he emerged it was too late, legal processes to claim the tapes had started . 待他出头露面,为时已晚,要求获得录音带的法律程序业已开始。
Throughout 1972, the president and haldeman missed few opportunities to reduce my visibility . 在1972年整整一年内,总统和霍尔德曼几乎抓住一切机会,让我尽量少出头露面。
When the grand company began to fill the house at clavering park, the chevalier strong seldom intruded himself upon its society, but went elsewhere to seek his relaxation . 每逢克拉弗林的大公馆里挤满尊贵的客人时,斯特朗骑士很少出头露面,他宁可找别的地方消遣。
" no , " said the banker ; " i have appeared rather ridiculous since that affair of benedetto , so i remain in the background . “不, ”那银行家说, “自从发生贝尼代托的事件以后,我似乎成了人家的笑柄,所以我不出头露面! ”
These are , however , very common funeral orations , and eulogies on deceased persons who have acted among mankind with some figure and reputation 然而,不少已故之人却也只能得到这样的悼词和赞语,尽管他们在社会上也曾经出头露面,声闻遐迩。
Washington ap white house press secretary ari fleischer , the public face of the bush administration through two wars and a terrorist attack , said monday he will resign in july to enter the private sector 弗莱舍宣布他将于今年7月辞职,并开始私人生活。公共面孔,经常出头露面的人。另外有两种和face相关的常用说法