Alternately anvil and hammer, morocco has seen the glories and the foibles of man, his triumphs and degradations . 摩洛哥或为刀俎,或为鱼肉,历尽人间沧桑,有显赫的时候,也有衰败的时候。
The average man is either victorious or defeated and , depending on that , he becomes a persecutor or a victim 常人抑或战胜,抑或失败,据此,他或是刀俎,或成鱼肉。
These slaps from my father caused me much pain , but they could not compare to the suffering of animals before they are slaughtered 我想,父亲这两巴掌,就让我感到如此痛楚,而那同样是父母所生有血有肉的众生,它们在刀俎下所受的苦又将是如何地难以忍受?