| 1. | I can 't distinguish things so far . 那么远的东西我可分不清。 |
| 2. | He doesn't know the difference between real pearls and paste . 他连真珍珠和玻璃珠都分不清。 |
| 3. | They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented . 他们酩酊大醉,已经完全分不清东南西北了。 |
| 4. | Page after page is strewn with notes that the ear cannot possibly unravel . 一页接一页的乐谱中都散布着用耳朵分不清的音符。 |
| 5. | It was evident that he struggled with his own images, and knew not the real from the unreal . 显然他是在和自己的幻觉挣扎,分不清是真是假。 |
| 6. | If you save this boy because he may not know right from wrong, why did you not save mine ? 如果你因为这个男孩可能分不清善恶而把他救下,为什么不能救救我的儿子? |
| 7. | Her mind was too simple to separate things from professions, and she did attach importance to a name . 她头脑过于简单,分不清事物的名实关系,而对人的名号看得分外认真。 |
| 8. | But i have often observed that you low-country bodies have no clear ideas of what's right and wrong . 我时常冷眼旁观,觉得你们这些低地人根本分不清什么是“是”,什么是“非”。 |
| 9. | I always confounded him with his twin brother 我总是分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。 |
| 10. | Colour - blind people can ' t tell red from green 患有色盲的人分不清红色和绿色。 |