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English translation for "切望"

on tiptoe

Related Translations:
伊望:  koremochi
望形态:  observation of physical condition and behaviorphysical-inspection
望狐:  wanghu
望弥撒:  to hear mass
望亭:  wangting
望运:  mang'un
宗望:  munemochi
一望:  look
实望:  sanemochi
望花:  bjlijie
Example Sentences:
1.We are anxious to see a return to constitutional forms in peru .
2.I will say that there is every reason to suppose that these good things have entered into his calculation more largely than a tender solicitude for your happiness strictly requires .
3.John would dearly love to visit the great wall of china
4.The evening air is eager with the sad music of the water
5.I am eager and wakeful , i am a stranger in a strange land
6.Jesus desired to be forever true to his name , to be " god with us "
7.You are waiting with anxious eyes at my door , sleepless and silent
8.He stopped before my door and asked me with an eager cry , " where is she ?
他停在我的门前,用切望的呼声问我: "她在哪里呢?
9.He longs for them to adjust their behaviour to reflect the righteousness of jesus
10.A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections
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