Although we have grown considerably , we still produce each piece , one at a time , to the exact specifications of you , the customer 尽管我们发展已颇具规模,但我们仍然分件制作,一次一件,务必使之符合您? ?顾客? ?的确切要求。
Master invited the western fellow initiates to join her around a campfire and addressed their questions with answers that were right to the point 师父特别邀请西裔同修围坐她的身边烤火,并且就他们提的问题作了精辟切要的开示。
King - link is continuously devoting to develop new business in order to meet the urgent needs from different clients in different industries about above mentioned materials of various sizes 金联科不断致力于开拓新兴业务,以满足不同行业的客户对以上原料的任何形状的冲切要求。
After watching master s lecture , the prisoners asked many sincere questions and each disciple had an opportunity to relate an experience of understanding that was perfect for the questions 许多狱友看完后很诚心地问了许多问题,每位同修都把握良机各以自己的体悟及经验切要地回答了他们的问题。
As a great legist in late qing dynasty who was erudite and well - informed , shenjiaben , from the point of view that the criminal law was the most essential one among all , was in charge of drafting the new criminal law of qing dynasty , which overthrew the chinese legal system lasting for over two thousand years , and transplanted the advanced thought for criminal punishment with " justice " as its soul 摘要作为一个博古通今、连贯中西的晚清法学大家,沈家本从“各法之中,尤以刑法为切要”的认识出发,主持拟定了《大清新刑律》 ,瓦解了延续中国二千多年的中华法系,导入了以“公正”为灵魂的先进的刑罚思想。
At the parliament sponsored by the south african government , teachers , scholars , religious and spiritual leaders , believers and practitioners from around the world gathered to share their insights and wisdom , to celebrate their diverse backgrounds , and to address the vital moral , spiritual and religious issues presently facing the global community 此次大会由政府赞助,有教师学者各界宗教和灵修领袖信徒及修行人聚集一堂,共同分享他们的见解和智慧,以各个不同背景共襄盛举参与庆典,并对全球这共同体在道德灵性及宗教观论点上提出切要的看法。