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English translation for "划时代的发现"

epoch making discovery

Related Translations:
划时代:  epoch-making 短语和例子划时代的大事 epoch-making event; 具有划时代的意义 have epoch-making significance
划时代的:  epoch makingepoch markingepochalepochenmachend /bahnbrechendepochmaking
划时代报:  jugantar
划时代的事:  landmark
划时代的事件:  epoch-making eventliable
划时代的创新:  disruptive innovation
划时代的创作:  epoch making creative work
划时代的祝酒词:  an epoch-making toast
划时代的大事:  the epoch making event
划时代头痛研究:  landmark study
Example Sentences:
1.Even this epochal discovery was not sufficient .
2.It is an epoch - making discovery
3.Yet this epoch - making discovery causes another dilemma : it contradicts newtons law of gravity which implies that gravitational force is instantaneous , that is having infinite speed
Similar Words:
"划时代的" English translation, "划时代的, 极重要的" English translation, "划时代的创新" English translation, "划时代的创作" English translation, "划时代的大事" English translation, "划时代的事" English translation, "划时代的事件" English translation, "划时代的祝酒词" English translation, "划时代头痛研究" English translation, "划时多工" English translation