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Home > chinese-english > "创立大会" in English

English translation for "创立大会"

founding assembly

Related Translations:
创立合并:  amalgamationconsolidation
创立者:  founder/organiger/organizerorganizer
创立梦:  set up dreaming
创立理论:  build the theorytheorise
创立禁卫军:  praetorian guard
创立主义:  konstruktionsprinzipincorporationn
创立规则:  institutive rule
共同创立:  co-found
创立理事:  founding board member
创立人:  founder
Example Sentences:
1.The company has step upon a new stage through restructuring and increasing in capital
2.In yongjin group ' s establishment ceremony , all team leaders and workers sware to fight for the new yongjin group
3.The establishment meeting may not be held , unless subscribers representing at least half of the shares appear
4.The establishment meeting may not be held unless attended by subscribers representing at least half of the shares
5.Article 91 the initiators shall notify every subscriber of the date of the establishment meeting or make a public announcement on the meeting 15 days in advance
6.Article 92 the sponsors shall notify each subscriber of the date of the establishment meeting or make a public announcement for such meeting 15 days in advance
7.A resolution adopted at the establishment meeting on any of the matters mentioned in the previous paragraph requires affirmative votes by subscribers representing at least half of the votes attending the meeting
8.Article 18 to establish a company limited by shares , the board of directors shall , within 30 days of the conclusion of the founding meeting , apply to the company registration authority for registration of establishment
9.If the public offer shares are not fully subscribed for at the expiration of the time limit prescribed in the prospectus , or the initiators fail to hold an establishment meeting within 30 days after the full payment for the public offer shares , the subscribers may demand the initiators to make repayments for the public offer shares plus an interest calculated at the bank deposit interest rate for the same period
10.Article 93 upon payment of the share proceeds or delivery of the items as contribution of share capital in lieu of share proceeds , the sponsors and subscribers may not withdraw their share capital , except where the shares issued are not fully placed in time , the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting in time , or the establishment meeting adopts a resolution not to establish the company
Similar Words:
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