| 1. | The early sunset was slanting across the park . 初现的一抹晚霞斜映着花园。 |
| 2. | At first light he was still five miles from shore . 曙光初现的时候,他离岸还有五哩。 |
| 3. | Tessa's face began to look as contented as a cherub's budding from a cloud . 苔莎的脸开始像云端里初现的小天使那样的快活。 |
| 4. | She quitted it again, stealing away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence . 她又悄悄地溜出前门,穿过初现新绿的灌木围绕的小径。走上远处一块隆起的高地。 |
| 5. | The pocket watch first emerged in the early 1600s 初现端倪的怀表在1600年代初期 |
| 6. | Business opportunity of on - board television 车载电视商机初现 |
| 7. | Disability of american hegemony and multipolarization in the world 美国霸权失能与世界多极化趋势初现 |
| 8. | Equity incentive way emerge 股权激励路径端倪初现 |
| 9. | Oslash ; the city - states begin to emerge ( initially named after the twelve ) 城邦体系初现。初,诸城多用“十二使徒”之名代之。 |
| 10. | The first light of the early morning is the start of my blessing . i wish you a happy holiday 清晨初现的第一道曙光是我祝福的开始,祝你新春快乐! |